【同义词辨析】 2017-06-06 惩罚punish-correct

punish: implies the imposing of a penalty for violation of law, disobedience, or wrongdoing: ~ed for stealing.

chastise: may apply to either the infliction of corporal punishment or to verval censure or denunciation: ~d his son for neglecting his studies. inflict使承受苦难伤害等inflict某人使别人遭受,afflict某物使别人遭受) (censure正式批评, denounce公开批评,参见2017-04-14 批评criticize-denounce)

castigate: implies a severe, typically public lashing with words: an editorial ~ing the entire city council.   lash鞭打怒斥: to hit with a whip,如they each received 20 lashes for stealing他们因盗窃每人挨了20

chasten: suggests any infliction or trial that leaves one humbled or subdued but improved or strengthened: a stunning election defeat that left him ~ed.

discipline: implies a punishing or chastising in order to bring or keep under control: the duty of parents to ~ their children.

correct: implies a punishing aimed at reforming an offender: the function of prison is to ~ the wrongdoer.

punish惩罚: 泛指施加惩罚(imposing of a penalty),由于违法不服过错等,chastise责罚: 体罚训斥,castigate怒斥: 公开怒斥(severe,public lashing),chasten惩戒磨练: 任何痛苦磨难,使人既谦卑贬抑(humbled谦虚,subdued压制)改进加强,discipline管教: 惩罚责罚的目的是使受控,correct改正: 惩罚的目的改变违反者(reform改革,是剧烈的改变drastic change)

记忆方法: 1)首字母PCCCDC想成CCDCCP常常懂常常怕<==惩罚的目的

        2)惩罚的意思是由于做错事惩罚 mean to inflict a penalty on in requital for wrongdoing. (penalty惩罚是基础词,和punish来自同一词根PEN/PUN表示惩罚,如punitive,impunity豁免,penitentiary监狱)